Renewable Energy
Transforming our environment and communities, with integrity and vibe

Renewable Energy
Transforming our environment and communities, with integrity and vibe
Anchor QEA is an environmental sciences and engineering firm performing innovative and impactful resiliency, restoration, remediation, and revitalization services across North America.
Our engineers, scientists, and planners collaborate on environmental assessment, design, agency communications, stakeholder engagement, and construction compliance to support efficient development for all types of renewable energy projects.
Anchor QEA is a partner in solar power development.
We provide ecological assessments, environmental siting, geotechnical and civil engineering, brownfield development, and stormwater management, as well as permitting and regulatory services to ensure projects comply with applicable statutes.Working with developers and utilities across the United States, our teams assist planning and construction phases of utility-scale, grid-connected solar projects.

Utility-Scale Solar and Onshore Wind Energy Programmatic EISs
Washington State
Anchor QEA is working with the Washington State Department of Ecology to develop two programmatic Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) to assess impacts and mitigation for potential wind and solar utilities. The programmatic EISs evaluate projects that may be developed through 2045, when the Clean Energy Transformation Act requires that Washington utilities’ retail electric load only rely on non-emitting and renewable resources.
Anchor QEA is providing clear analyses and inclusive engagement, laying the groundwork for more efficient renewable energy project reviews and permitting in Washington.

Site Assessments for Solar Development
Tillson, New York
To complete a cost-effective, environmentally protective remediation of this area for development of a solar installation, Anchor QEA navigated complex interests of a family estate, a state agency, and a large multinational solar developer.
Anchor QEA performed environmental site assessments and delineations of wetlands, conducted surveys and geological investigations, and oversaw remediation of contaminated soils. Anchor QEA worked closely with the excavator, truck operators, and the receiving facility to remove and dispose of almost 1,000 cubic yards of impacted soil designated for off-site disposal to keep the project on budget and on schedule.

Solar Energy Battery Storage Facility
New York City, New York
Strata Solar (now Strata Clean Energy) selected Anchor QEA to develop rendering images for a parking lot-turned-battery storage site to support the permit application for the battery storage system. It was the first large-scale solar battery storage project in the state of New York.
In addition to the design and permitting tasks, Anchor QEA staff are assisting with construction management and water quality monitoring and will lead planting tasks once construction is complete.
Anchor QEA leads environmental impact assessments, due diligence, and permitting compliance for wind energy facility siting nationwide.
From habitat and biological assessments to compliance oversight under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, our team provides start-to-finish development and support.Learn more about our offshore wind services.

Evaluating Environmental Impacts for 20 East Coast Ports
Eastern Seaboard
Anchor QEA is evaluating more than 20 East Coast ports for the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) to identify modifications required for ports to support offshore wind (OSW) activities, as well as ranking them for use in future environmental reviews. This will update BOEM’s 2016 study, The Identification of Port Modifications and their Environmental and Socioeconomic Consequences.
The updated study will identify port capacities on the East Coast, necessary modifications to accommodate OSW development, and examine environmental and socioeconomic impacts from port expansion. This study will also be used as the basis moving forward for evaluation of OSW facilities.

Skookumchuck Wind Energy NEPA EIS
Lewis and Thurston Counties, Washington
Anchor QEA led the development of a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for this wind energy project in coordination with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
The 136.8-megawatt Skookumchuck Wind Energy project consisted of 38 turbines and is located on 19,500 acres of land. The EIS evaluated three action alternatives and associated conservation measures for a new wind farm, focusing on impacts to Endangered Species Act-listed marbled murrelets and bald and golden eagles. Anchor QEA completed the NEPA process within 12 months.

Redevelopment for Offshore Wind
New Bedford, Massachusetts
As program manager, Anchor QEA led due diligence and site preparation phases at the New Bedford Foss Marine Terminal, a former power-generation property undergoing redevelopment to support offshore wind projects.
Redevelopment activities under Anchor QEA's management included demolition of the 50,000 square feet of powerhouse and associated infrastructure, removal of several above-grade oil storage tanks, and preparation of the site for new facilities construction.
Anchor QEA works for public agencies and special districts to effectively plan, design, and permit water resources management and maintenance projects.
We provide planning services for large water users, such as irrigation districts, hydroelectric plants, and municipalities, that balance water needs with natural resource needs, such as instream flows, recreation, and wetland preservation.
Learn more about our hydropower services.

Hydropower FERC Relicensing Sedimentation Study
Langley, Oklahoma
Anchor QEA performed multiyear water level monitoring, velocity profiling, and sediment transport modeling analysis in support of a hydropower relicensing project in an Oklahoma reservoir. The study area entailed approximately 120 river miles split between several tributaries.
The evaluation involved field work and GIS analysis. Model inputs were developed from substrate sampling and testing; this included a specialized erodibility analysis of cohesive silts and clays that dominated much of the sediment transport regime, core sampling and sediment dating through cesium-137 evaluation, and grab samples throughout the study area. Anchor QEA used the sediment transport model to estimate future deposition and potential impacts on water levels over a 50-year period under varied operating parameters and sediment inflows.

Inflow Design Flood Study
Danville, Virginia
Anchor QEA performed an inflow design flood study to support Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) compliance. Study results were used to determine the inflow design flood and inform dam hazard potential classification recommendations in accordance with FERC Chapter II engineering guidance.
Anchor QEA used HEC-RAS to develop a 2D dam breach model. The model included a dynamically routed reservoir and 7.5 miles of river below the structure. Simulation results for the sunny day, 100-year, and zero-freeboard flow conditions were compared to their respective non-failure scenarios to evaluate incremental impacts due to a hypothetical failure.

Goldendale Energy Storage SEPA EIS
Goldendale, Washington
Anchor QEA supported the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) in developing a State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) evaluating the effects of a proposed pumped-water energy storage project in southern Washington.
Due to changing guidance and needs during the evaluation, Anchor QEA collaborated with Ecology on a streamlined assessment and review, including evolving approaches to Tribal coordination, environmental justice strategies, and impact evaluation. The EIS was completed in less than 2 years.
We look forward to continuing the conversation.
National Reach, Local Knowledge

Our People
Since the company’s beginning, Anchor QEA’s success has been mission-driven, strengthened by our dedication to ethical and sustainable business practices. In 2023, we elevated these practices by continuously improving our sustainability commitments, focusing on our People, our Community, and our Environment (PCE).

Gretchen Taylor
Energy Sector Lead
(415) 361-5162
Explore our offshore wind experience.
Meet The Team
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Gretchen Taylor
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